Austin and a Peppa Pig Party

If you look around and you see carnival games, a bouncy castle, balloon animals, face painting, a petting zoo, and an ice cream truck, there a good chance you're at the most epic 3rd birthday party . . . EVER. But, in all honesty, this little girl deserves all that and more. She's the most adorable 3-year-old and she just happens to be my niece.

My husband and I decided to take a trip to Austin to visit the birthday girl and family over the long Memorial Day weekend. Keep scrolling to read all about it and meet this little sweetheart <3

Every morning has to start with a  balanced breakfast ;)

Exploring the Hope Outdoor Gallery

Cooling off with some ice cream from Amy's!

Finally, it was time for the big party!

And now to get to know Camilla from the woman who knows her best- her mom, Katy.

Describe the day Camilla was born. What was it like? How did you feel?

I'm not sure if you can ever really prepare for having your first child. I had tickets to see Paul McCartney the previous day and I started having contractions, so I obviously was not able to go. This kind of set the tone for the next three years with Camilla, my schedule would revolve solely around her! Her birth was very easy, and I still remember the moment they set her on my chest. I didn't know what to expect, and it was surreal thinking she was mine. The best moment was seeing Jesus (her father) hold her for the first time. It made me love him in a whole new way. The nurses offered to take her to the nursery for the evening so Jesus and I could sleep a little bit. They brought her back 30 minutes later because she was the only baby crying. I should have known then I was in for a ride! We always joke that she got kicked out of the nursery!

If you had to pick 3 adjectives to describe Camilla, what would they be and why?

The adjectives to describe Camilla change daily, she goes to the many stages of being a toddler. I would say one adjective that's pretty consistent is humorous. She definitely gets this from the Azanza gene. She can find the humor in anything and is super witty. Just now she walked through the door and said, "Momma you crazy!" I'm sure you would agree!

Another word to describe her is compassionate. She is always concerned and aware about the feelings of humans and animals. Camilla definitely has a kind nature.

Hmmmmm one more....

Strong willed! That child knew from day one what she wanted and how to get it. She slept in my arms the first year of her life and wouldn't nap unless I was jogging in place. Camilla has her mommy and daddy wrapped around her little fingers!

What has been one of your favorite memories with her?

My favorite memory with Camilla happened about a month after Lulu (her sister) was born. We took Camilla and Lulu to see a drive thru Christmas light display. At the end of it was a little carnival. It was freezing out so we parked and Jesus took her to look around. From the car I could see him buying tickets and walking toward the roller coaster. I was waving and signaling for him to turn back, knowing she would freak out once it got started. He couldn't see me so I rushed and put Lulu in the stroller and ran over to them. By the time I got there, the roller coaster was whirling by me and Camilla was screaming with joy. I have never seen her have that much fun! We took her back to that carnival quite a few times, including Christmas Eve!

When it came to her birthday and the party, what was she most excited about?

Camilla was most excited about the carnival theme of her party. She wanted lots of games and music. We would listen to the carnival music on my phone constantly. Unfortunately, her dad and I forgot to have carnival music playing at the party and she reminds us of it daily! I did ask her what she liked the best after the party was over, and she said the piñata with candy. Had I known that, we would have saved a lot of money!

What qualities do you think she gets from you? What qualities does she get from Jesus?

Camilla has Jesus's sense of humor for sure! She also looks exactly like him. They are both quirky, which makes for an entertaining household. Jesus and Camilla aren't anti-social, but would rather not talk to new people and are content with few friends.

Camilla has my nurturing nature, and love for animals. She also seems to have similar interests in music. Jesus and I both love to learn new things and did well in school, and I can see Camilla following in our footsteps.

How has she been as a big sister?

Camilla has been a great big sister. The first few weeks were touch and go. She really missed the one on one time with her mommy and was resentful of baby sister. Once we started giving her ownership of Lulu, like singing her songs to sleep or getting the burp cloths, she really bonded with baby sister. Camilla is definitely is starting to feel the connection to her sister and it's beautiful to watch!

It's the year 2036 (20 years from now). What do you see Camilla doing?

In twenty years, I expect Camilla to be graduated from college and finding out what career she wants to pursue. Her father and I are both formally educated so it makes sense to expect the same of Camilla (and Lulu). However, I have a feeling Camilla will do whatever SHE feels like doing, so right now it's our job to lead her in the right direction.


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